Monday, July 9, 2012

What Book Have You Read?

Hello friends,
I hope you are all enjoying your summer break. Make sure you are reading everyday. You made a lot of progress that you don't want to lose. Go to the library checkout some books, chose one to blog about. Include the title along with a brief summary, happy reading. See you soon Mrs. Blackwell


  1. I am reading Junie B Jones and I like it.

    1. Hello Zoe,
      I was so happy to hear from you. Which Junie B. Jones book are you reading?
      Blog a summary when you finish the book. See you soon, Mrs.blackwell

  2. Hi Mrs.Blackwell how are you? I am reading a book called Look Out Jack the Gint Is Back. It is a book that fallows Jack and the beanstock

    1. Hello Kianna-Rae, I am doing very well thank you. I hope you are enjoying your summer with your family. I was excited to hear that you are reading. What kind of text to text connections have you made with this book? Please write a summary when you complete the book encourage a classmate to read it. Keep on reading, I love it. See you soon.

    2. It is about Jack beating at home and the Gint comes back to Jacks house. Jack fights as hard as he can and wins in the end.
