Grammar and Writing

Cursive Handwriting Tutorial

How To Write A Complete Sentence

What makes a complete sentence?

This site you can watch videos and practice a variety of grammar games
Complete Sentences

A Quiz on complete or incomplete sentences

How to Write Friendly Letters

Suffix Lesson Video

Singular, Plural and Irregular Plurals

From Singular to Plural Game

1 comment:

  1. Kianna Rae CummingsJuly 27, 2015 at 9:40 AM

    Hey Mrs.Blackwell its Kianna. I just wanted to let you know that I am now a 7th grader and that I am realizing that everything that you taught me I really need now. I wanted to check in and also let you know that I will be trying out for the volleyball team in august 11th and I wanted to let you know that we as in all of the kids that had you miss you. Everyone has grown so much since we had you as a teacher. WE LOVE YOU and thanks for all of the life lessons and all of the school lessons you have gave us.
    Love Kianna
